Harvard Law Professor Criticizes Former President Obama’s Anti-Israel Comments

In a recent interview on “Mornings with Maria,” Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz harshly criticized former President Barack Obama and college students for their anti-Israel comments and sentiments. Dershowitz expressed outrage over Obama’s call for an end to Israeli “occupation,” stating that he believes Obama always had a deep hatred of Israel in his heart. The professor claimed that Obama’s true feelings have come out now that he is no longer president and doesn’t have to be elected.

Dershowitz further argued that Obama’s comments have contributed to the problem of anti-Israel and anti-American attitudes among young people. He accused the former president of encouraging people to engage in antisemitic behavior by suggesting that anything can be done to stop the occupation. Dershowitz called for Obama to apologize for his statements, but expressed doubt that he would do so.

The criticism from Dershowitz comes after Obama spoke at the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum, where he called for a two-state solution and an end to the “occupation,” without specifying which occupation he meant. Dershowitz accused Obama of lying “through his teeth” about the situation in Gaza, comparing it to the actions of Hamas. He argued that Obama’s comments lend support to those who justify Hamas’ actions as a response to the occupation.

Dershowitz warned that Obama’s comments could fuel more antisemitic sentiment both in the United States and internationally. He claimed that if Hamas is not stopped, they will bring their terrorist acts to the United States. The Harvard professor called for a “moral reckoning” on college campuses and across the country, emphasizing the risks posed to both Israelis and Americans.

The article also highlights the response from Harvard University graduate student Shabbos Kestenbaum, who called for a moral reckoning across college campuses and the U.S. in response to Obama’s comments.

The Obama Foundation has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Overall, Dershowitz’s criticism of Obama’s anti-Israel comments and the potential consequences they may have is a significant topic of discussion, scoring an 85 on the importance scale.

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