Former Indiana Sheriff Charged with Corruption and Ghost Employment

A former Indiana sheriff is facing serious charges of corruption, theft, and ghost employment after allegedly using his employees to perform personal chores on his property. The accused, former Clark County Sheriff Jamey Noel, 52, has been charged with multiple counts, including five counts of theft, four counts each of ghost employment and official misconduct, and single counts of corrupt business influence and obstruction of justice.

The arrest of Noel came after the current Clark County Sheriff, Scottie Maples, requested a state police investigation. Maples, who served as a deputy chief under Noel, began uncovering irregularities shortly after taking office last December. During his investigation, Maples discovered a secret recording device in the sheriff’s offices and found evidence that Noel had instructed several employees to work on his rental property, private business buildings, a pole barn, cars, and a home while being paid to work at the sheriff’s office.

The allegations against Noel paint a picture of misuse of power and a breach of trust. The charges of theft and ghost employment suggest that the former sheriff exploited his position for personal gain, at the expense of taxpayers. It is a troubling revelation that someone entrusted with upholding the law and ensuring public safety would engage in such misconduct.

Noel was arrested on Wednesday but was released on bond the following day after posting bail. His attorney, Zachary Stewart, declined to comment on the allegations at this time.

The case of former Sheriff Jamey Noel serves as a reminder that no one is above the law. The investigation and subsequent charges demonstrate the commitment of law enforcement officials to uphold justice and ensure accountability, even within their own ranks. The arrest and charges against Noel send a strong message that corruption and abuse of power will not be tolerated.

As the legal process moves forward, it will be crucial to establish the full extent of Noel’s alleged misconduct and hold him accountable for his actions. The residents of Clark County and the state of Indiana deserve transparency and justice. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical leadership in law enforcement and the need for robust systems of accountability to prevent abuses of power.

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