Biden’s Green Agenda Threatens US Power Grid, Warns NERC

In a recent report released by the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC), it has been revealed that over half of the United States is at an elevated risk of blackouts this winter. The report cites increased demand, regional power generation shortfalls, and potential fuel delivery challenges as the main factors contributing to this risk. However, for the first time in its 55-year history, NERC points to energy policy as one of the top threats to the US power grid, specifically highlighting the Biden administration’s green agenda.

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) further emphasizes that the key factors exacerbating the risk are the rising demand for electricity to power electric vehicles, the premature closures of coal and gas-fired power plants, and permitting delays hindering new infrastructure development. The NRECA directly criticizes the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed power plant rule, which aims to reduce plant emissions by 90% by 2035. According to the NRECA, the plan relies on “unproven technologies and unrealistic compliance timelines,” posing a significant threat to electric reliability and affordability for every American.

President Biden, however, argues that the EPA’s new carbon pollution standards for coal and natural gas-fired power plants will effectively address climate change and protect public health. The plan claims to avoid up to 617 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions through 2042. EPA Administrator Michael Regan defends the proposal, stating that it utilizes proven technologies readily available in the power sector to limit carbon pollution and supports the transition towards a cleaner future.

Nonetheless, the NRECA condemns current federal energy policies as “reckless and irresponsible.” The organization asserts that policymakers are ignoring the warning signs of eroding reliability and pushing forward with detrimental policies. They argue that the energy industry requires policy support rather than further jeopardizing its stability.

The NERC report and the NRECA’s response highlight the growing concerns surrounding the Biden administration’s green agenda and its potential impact on the US power grid. As the country faces an elevated risk of blackouts this winter, the debate over energy policy and its consequences intensifies. It remains to be seen how the government will address these concerns and strike a balance between environmental goals and maintaining a reliable and affordable power supply for all Americans.

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