House Republicans Demand Revocation of Biden Administration’s Invitation to China and Russia for Nuclear Site Tour

U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is facing criticism from a coalition of 18 House Republicans, led by GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, over her agency’s invitation for foreign adversaries to inspect a sensitive U.S. nuclear testing site. The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Nevada National Security Site was opened to Chinese and Russian officials during the latest International Atomic Energy Agency summit. The move has sparked concerns among lawmakers about the potential risks to national security.

In a letter addressed to Energy Secretary Granholm, the Republicans expressed their strong opposition to the invitation, arguing that it grants China and Russia “unprecedented access” and insight into U.S. nuclear weapons testing. They raised concerns that allowing these adversaries to observe U.S. nuclear testing activities could provide them with valuable information to enhance their own nuclear capabilities, undermining America’s leadership in the process.

The invitation comes at a time when relations between the U.S. and Russia have deteriorated, with Russian President Vladimir Putin signing a law withdrawing Russia from its ratification of a global treaty banning nuclear weapons tests. This move has been condemned by the State Department. Furthermore, China has been expanding its nuclear capabilities and armament, with the Department of Defense warning that China’s nuclear expansion is exceeding previous U.S. projections.

The Republicans argue that China’s refusal to engage in discussions on its nuclear expansion and the DOE’s invitation threaten to embolden their efforts to continue growing their nuclear arsenal. They believe that granting access to America’s adversaries to military sites and sensitive laboratories is deeply alarming and fundamentally absurd.

Rep. Rob Wittman, one of the letter co-signers, stressed the need for the Biden administration to explain why it is inviting Russian and Chinese Communist Party officials to access the country’s most sensitive testing facilities. Rep. Doug Lamborn, another co-signer, introduced a bill to block foreign nationals from witnessing U.S. nuclear weapons testing in an effort to protect national security.

The Republicans’ letter to Energy Secretary Granholm reflects their commitment to strengthening and protecting the country’s nuclear arsenal. They argue that losing this advantage could jeopardize national security, and they are calling on President Biden to revoke the invitation extended to China and Russia.

The DOE has yet to respond to the Republicans’ request for comment on the matter.

Overall, this article highlights the concerns raised by House Republicans regarding the Biden administration’s invitation to China and Russia to tour a sensitive U.S. nuclear testing site. The Republicans argue that granting access to these adversaries undermines national security and could potentially enhance their nuclear capabilities. The article emphasizes the need for the Biden administration to provide an explanation and address the concerns raised by the GOP lawmakers.

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