House Speaker Johnson Faces Challenges as Government Shutdown Looms

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., is facing a daunting task as Congress hurtles towards a potential government shutdown at the end of next week. With government funding set to expire on November 17, Johnson and his colleagues are under pressure to find a solution to avoid a repeat of the recent shutdown.

Johnson, who recently took over as House Speaker, has been pushing to link Ukraine funding with border security, emphasizing the need to “take care of our own border first.” However, the response from Democrats has been criticized as “tone-deaf” by Republicans.

The approach to avoid a shutdown remains uncertain, with discussions ongoing and no clear interim spending bill on the table yet. Johnson has floated the idea of a “laddered” continuing resolution (CR) as a potential solution. This approach would fund some agencies and departments immediately while waiting to produce other bills down the line.

However, the laddered CR option has faced skepticism from some Republicans, who prefer a straightforward CR through mid or late January. The lack of consensus within the party further complicates the situation.

Adding to the challenge is the Senate’s intricate parliamentary process, which requires more time to process bills. Johnson’s understanding of these practices has been questioned by some House Republicans, highlighting the need for effective communication and coordination between the two chambers.

While Johnson still enjoys goodwill from rank-and-file Republicans, cracks are starting to show. Some members, like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, have voiced their dissatisfaction with Johnson’s approach and a desire for change within the party. However, Johnson’s overall trustworthiness among Republicans appears to be higher than his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy.

The upcoming supplemental aid package proposed by President Biden for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan has also garnered attention on Capitol Hill. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has expressed general support for the package but insists on increased border security as part of the deal. McConnell’s openness to a “clean” CR suggests that a clean resolution may be inevitable.

Republicans find themselves divided over the approach to funding the government, with some advocating for a “laddered” CR and others preferring a straightforward option. The party’s internal struggles and difficulty in approving their own spending plans may ultimately lead them to rely on a CR, even if it draws criticism from the right.

As the November deadline approaches, the uncertainty surrounding the potential government shutdown persists. Johnson and his Republican colleagues are cautious about revealing their plans, recognizing that a clean CR may be the only viable solution. The right-wing base may criticize Johnson for compromising, but avoiding a shutdown remains a priority for both parties.

Government shutdown threats have become all too common, and the current situation underscores the challenges faced by House Speaker Johnson. While the month of November is clear, the path forward remains uncertain, leaving many on Capitol Hill searching for the right words to address the impending deadline.

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