Gaza Families Forced to Bathe in Polluted Seawater Amidst Israeli Bombing

Escaping dirty conditions in overcrowded schools, Gaza families displaced by Israeli bombing are being forced to bathe and wash in polluted seawater. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis, with families struggling to find clean water and basic sanitation.

The recent Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip has left many families displaced from their homes, seeking shelter in schools and overcrowded classrooms. Andaleeb al-Zaq, a 48-year-old mother, expressed gratitude for the sea and its relief from the chaos and dirtiness of the school they have been staying in. However, for her and many others, bathing in the sea has become a matter of survival.

The United Nations refugee agency has set up shelters in schools, but with limited space available, families have resorted to setting up tents on the school grounds. One such school, Alif Elementary Boys’ School, is located near the Mediterranean Sea, and due to the lack of clean running water, families and their children have been forced to rely on the sea for bathing, washing clothes, and even swimming.

Israel’s total siege on the Gaza Strip, which began over a month ago, has resulted in a lack of essential supplies and services. The Gaza Strip’s sole desalination plant is out of service due to the lack of fuel, leaving the population without clean water. Hospitals are relying on solar-powered generators to function, and basic infrastructure has been severely damaged.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has reported that the limited amount of aid entering the Gaza Strip is nowhere near enough to meet the essential needs of the 2.3 million people living there. With no access to clean water and sanitation, families are facing dire health risks.

The polluted seawater has led to increased health issues, including diarrhea, coughs, and colds among children. Even before the current conflict, inadequate sanitation infrastructure and electricity shortages resulted in untreated sewage water being dumped into the sea, causing significant health problems. The shutdown of wastewater treatment plants in October has further exacerbated the release of untreated sewage into the Mediterranean Sea, posing an environmental hazard.

The control of the Gaza Strip’s water pipelines by Israel has also contributed to the scarcity of clean water. Since the beginning of the conflict, Israel has closed off the water supply to certain areas, leaving residents with either highly chlorinated or salty water coming from their taps.

The overcrowding and unsanitary conditions in the schools have led to an increase in diseases and infections among the displaced population. Dr. Khalil al-Degran, an emergency supervisor at al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, described the situation as an environmental disaster and massive health crisis. He emphasized the urgent need to stop the aggression and open border crossings to allow for medical supplies and aid.

Despite the risks, displaced families have no other choice but to bathe in the polluted seawater, as the schools lack running water and proper sanitation facilities. The foul-smelling toilets and piles of trash in the schools further contribute to the unsanitary conditions.

Families like Rima Zaqqout’s have been displaced multiple times, with their homes and temporary shelters being destroyed in the Israeli bombardment. For Rima and her siblings, the sea provides a temporary respite from the hardships they face. They go to the sea every day to bathe and sometimes swim, carrying shampoo with them to maintain hygiene.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has taken a toll on the lives of innocent civilians, forcing them to endure dire living conditions and health risks. The international community must address the urgent need for clean water, sanitation, and medical supplies to alleviate the suffering of the Gaza population. The immediate cessation of hostilities and the opening of border crossings are crucial steps towards resolving this humanitarian crisis.

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