Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Refuses to Disclose Costs of Government Jet Trips, Raising Accountability Concerns

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s office is facing criticism for refusing to disclose the taxpayer cost of multiple flights he took on government-managed executive jets to swing states last year. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is withholding the costs incurred by eight flights taken by Buttigieg and his staff, claiming they were justified by security or scheduling reasons. However, watchdog group Americans for Public Trust (APT), which is suing for the information, argues that Buttigieg’s use of private government jets for what appears to be campaigning rather than official DOT business raises concerns about accountability and transparency.

The first trip in question involved a flight to Tucson, Arizona, in August 2022, for an event related to the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity program. Government lawyers stated that the costs of this flight were justified by unexpected commercial flight cancellations. The second set of trips involved seven flights to swing states such as Florida, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada, and New Hampshire as part of the Building a Better America Tour. Buttigieg and his staff used a government jet due to security concerns, according to the lawyers representing him in the ongoing lawsuit.

This controversy comes amid previous reports highlighting Buttigieg’s extensive use of taxpayer-funded private jets managed by the DOT’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In December 2022, it was revealed that Buttigieg had taken 18 trips on these executive aircraft, which are typically reserved for government officials when commercial flights are not feasible. The DOT Office of the Inspector General initiated an investigation into Buttigieg’s use of these jets following the report.

While Buttigieg has defended his use of government jets by stating that it saves taxpayer money, APT’s ongoing litigation has revealed that 10 of the flights cost taxpayers over $31,000. The costs of the other flights remain undisclosed. APT filed multiple information requests for the costs associated with Buttigieg’s travels, but the FAA repeatedly delayed processing the requests. It was only recently that the agency shared its internal cost analyses for the 10 flights, estimating that flying commercial would have cost taxpayers over $25,000 extra compared to using the executive fleet.

However, concerns have been raised about the accuracy of the agency’s commercial cost assessments. For example, the DOT estimated that a September 2022 trip to Montreal would cost $2,179 for Buttigieg to travel commercial roundtrip. Yet, a quick search shows that multiple airlines offer roundtrip options for less than $500. The General Services Administration also states that United Airlines charges government officials a fixed-rate of $267 for travel between the same airports. These discrepancies raise questions about the validity of the DOT’s cost analyses.

In response to the criticism, a DOT spokesperson defended Buttigieg’s travel choices, stating that they are grounded in efficient and responsible use of taxpayer dollars. However, the spokesperson declined to comment on the agency’s decision to withhold the taxpayer costs of the August 2022 flights. APT’s lawsuit continues to push for transparency and accountability regarding Buttigieg’s use of government jets.

This controversy surrounding Buttigieg’s travel expenses raises broader concerns about accountability within the Biden administration. Critics argue that it reflects a dismissive attitude towards transparency and suggests a lack of willingness to be held accountable. As the ongoing lawsuit and Inspector General audit progress, the true cost and motivations behind Buttigieg’s use of government jets may be further revealed, shedding light on the practices and priorities of the current administration.

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