House Passes Amendment to Slash Transportation Secretary Buttigieg’s Salary Amid Criticism

In a recent development, the House of Representatives approved a measure on Tuesday that would significantly reduce Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s government salary to just $1. The bill, introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., was passed as an amendment to the 2024 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act. This move has sparked a heated debate surrounding Buttigieg’s performance and his use of taxpayer-funded resources.

Greene, who spearheaded the amendment, expressed her satisfaction with the decision, emphasizing that American taxpayers should not be financially responsible for Buttigieg’s extravagant trips or his salary. She criticized Buttigieg for what she believes to be staged photo ops and the use of private planes funded by taxpayers to attend LGBTQ awards ceremonies.

Since assuming office in 2021, Buttigieg has faced criticism from Republican lawmakers regarding his handling of various crises within the Department of Transportation. For instance, he received backlash for his delayed response to a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, and for commercial airline cancellations that occurred during his tenure, including a pilot shortage. Both Republicans and Democrats have called on Buttigieg to take decisive action to protect air travelers from such disruptions.

However, while Buttigieg has been occupied with addressing commercial delays, it has been revealed that he has used government-managed private jets on multiple occasions. This has prompted an ongoing inspector general probe and, according to Americans for Public Trust (APT), has cost taxpayers a significant amount of money. His use of executive jets for personal trips, including attending a ceremony in Montreal hosted by a Canadian gay rights organization, has raised further questions about his allocation of taxpayer resources.

APT Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland criticized Buttigieg for his lack of transparency and accountability. Despite multiple requests for information, his office has failed to provide crucial details about his use of private government jets. Sutherland argues that Buttigieg’s actions indicate a dismissive attitude towards the public and a belief that he is above accountability, a sentiment that she believes is prevalent throughout the Biden administration.

This recent controversy follows previous scrutiny Buttigieg faced when it was revealed that he vacationed in Porto, Portugal, while his agency and the White House were engaged in tense negotiations with rail worker unions to avoid a potential strike with severe economic consequences. The Department of Transportation defended the vacation as a long-planned personal trip.

Critics argue that these incidents suggest Buttigieg is politicizing his role and prioritizing personal interests over the responsibilities of his position. As this debate intensifies, it remains to be seen how Buttigieg and the Biden administration will respond to the growing concerns regarding his use of taxpayer resources and overall performance as Transportation Secretary.

Thomas Catenacci is a politics writer for Digital.

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