Michigan Man Dies After Being Restrained by Bouncers Outside Bar

A tragic incident occurred outside a bar in Port Huron, Michigan, as a man lost his life after being held down by bouncers. The local police have launched an investigation into the matter, aiming to uncover the circumstances surrounding the man’s untimely death.

The incident took place in the early hours of Sunday morning, when 26-year-old Joshua Conant reportedly came to the aid of women who were being harassed. Eyewitnesses at Roche Bar on Quay Street recount that bouncers were restraining Conant, with video evidence capturing the disturbing scene. The police arrived at the scene and instructed Conant to stop resisting, but witnesses assert that he was not resisting and, in fact, had stopped breathing. Concerned onlookers pleaded for the guards to release their hold on Conant.

Authorities immediately began performing CPR on Conant before rushing him to a nearby hospital. Tragically, their efforts were in vain, and Conant was pronounced dead. Witnesses have emphasized that Conant had not engaged in any physical altercations prior to his death, but rather had been verbally defending women who were being harassed inside the bar.

The investigation into this devastating incident is still ongoing, and the Michigan State Police, Port Huron Police Department, and St. Clair County Central Dispatch are urging anyone with information to come forward. Once the investigation concludes, the findings will be submitted to the prosecutor’s office for potential charges.

It is important to note that this article is not intended to imply any bias towards political figures or parties. The focus here is solely on the tragic event and the ongoing investigation.

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