Israeli Offensive Devastates Olive Harvest and Farmers in Gaza Strip

Since the start of the Israeli offensive on October 7, farmers have been unable to access their farmland and crops. The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip has had a devastating impact on the annual olive harvest, a significant event for Palestinians. The farmers, who have already faced challenges due to their proximity to the Israeli border, are now further displaced and unable to tend to their lands.

Samaher Abu Jameh, a 40-year-old farmer from Abasan al-Kabira, expresses her frustration and anger at being unable to reach her olive trees and greenhouses. She, along with her family, has been forced to seek refuge in a United Nations-run school in Khan Younis due to continuous Israeli bombing. The olive-picking season holds great importance for Palestinians, symbolizing their connection to the land and their national identity. It is a time for families and friends to come together, celebrate, and harvest olives.

However, the recent war has multiplied the risks and challenges faced by farmers. Some have attempted to return to their lands, only to be targeted by Israeli warplanes. The violence and obstacles faced by farmers were already prevalent even before the war, with Israeli settlers attacking Palestinians, stealing their olives, and setting fire to their groves in the occupied West Bank. In the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military has targeted farmland during times of war or sprayed it with pesticides, rendering the soil unsuitable for farming.

The agricultural lands near Khan Younis, spanning over 4,000 hectares, are particularly affected. Ahmed Abu Rjeila, a farmer accustomed to dodging bullets, expresses his concerns about losing his harvest. He and his family have been displaced and are currently staying in a UN school. The continuous bombing in the area has resulted in the deaths of nearly 20 farmers and injuries to others.

Ahmed Qudeih, another farmer from Khuza’a, laments the inability to access and care for their land. He describes the various violations and destruction Israeli forces have inflicted on farmers over the years. Despite the challenges, farmers in Gaza have always strived to regenerate their lands after each war.

The olive season in the Gaza Strip typically produces around 35,000 tonnes of olives, of which a small portion is pickled and the majority is transformed into oil. This year’s season, however, has been severely impacted by the war, resulting in a much smaller crop. The director of the Palestinian Olive Council, Fayyad Fayyad, estimates that the war has caused a loss of 10,000 tonnes of olives or the equivalent of 2,000 tonnes of olive oil.

Many farmers have accepted the reality that this harvest season is lost, as their homes and lands have been destroyed. Despite the devastation, they remain determined to regenerate their lands after every war. Nisreen Abu Daqqa from Khuza’a expresses the heartbreak of seeing their trees intentionally burned by Israeli missiles and tank shells.

The plight of farmers in Gaza highlights the immense challenges they face due to conflict and occupation. The destruction of their livelihoods not only impacts their own lives but also has broader implications for the Palestinian economy and food security. Efforts to support and empower Palestinian farmers in their struggle for land and livelihoods remain crucial in the pursuit of peace and justice in the region.

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