House Judiciary Committee Investigates Biden Administration’s Border Settlement with Civil Rights Groups

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan and immigration subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock, have launched an investigation into a deal reached by the Biden administration with civil rights groups over the separation of migrant family units at the southern border during the Trump administration. The Republicans are seeking information about what they consider to be “egregious” stipulations in the deal.

The settlement, which was announced last month in a lawsuit launched by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), aims to block any future separations for eight years. It also provides authorization for parents of separated children to come to the U.S. under humanitarian parole for three years and work in the United States. Additionally, the families receive housing aid, healthcare, and legal aid for up to a year.

While Attorney General Merrick Garland praised the agreement, stating that it would facilitate the reunification of separated families and provide critical services for their recovery, Jordan and McClintock accuse the administration of providing U.S. taxpayer-funded services to illegal immigrants due to the Trump administration’s enforcement of the existing criminal code.

The lawmakers argue that the settlement allows illegal aliens to escape criminal prosecution for illegally crossing the border solely because they are traveling with a child. They believe this provision, which lasts for eight years, prevents future administrations from taking definitive steps to control the border and creates a loophole for cartels to exploit. They claim that cartels are already posing as minors’ relatives to ensure entry into the U.S.

In addition to their investigation into the border settlement, the House Judiciary Committee has also sent letters to officials in the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) regarding the handling of the immigration court backlog. The lawmakers raise concerns about the dismissal, termination, or closure of nearly half a million cases between January 2021 and July 2023, questioning whether the agency is fairly and uniformly interpreting and administering the nation’s immigration laws.

The investigation comes at a time when the southern border is experiencing high numbers of migrants. In September alone, there were over 269,000 encounters, setting a new monthly record and bringing the fiscal year to the highest yearly encounter number on record. To address the situation, the Biden administration has requested additional funding for border operations from Congress, including a $14 billion supplemental funding request.

Overall, the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation and concerns raised by Republicans highlight ongoing debates and challenges surrounding immigration policies and border security in the United States. The outcome of this investigation may have significant implications for future border control measures and the treatment of migrant families at the southern border.

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