Fecal Bacteria Contamination Temporarily Closes Areas of Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Several areas of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Nevada have been temporarily closed due to high levels of fecal bacteria found in Arizona Hot Springs, according to park officials. The closed areas include the hot springs, Arizona Hot Springs Trail, and the White Rock Canyon parking lot on Highway 93, as announced by the National Park Service (NPS) on Friday. In order to ensure public safety, officials are working diligently to improve the water quality and will reopen the areas once they meet federal and state safety standards.

The closure serves as a reminder to the public to adhere to the principles of leave-no-trace, which includes properly disposing of trash and human waste. The NPS emphasizes the importance of responsible behavior in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of the recreational area.

Arizona Hot Springs is a popular destination for hikers within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Visitors are urged to follow leave-no-trace guidance, such as packing out trash and properly disposing of human waste. These measures help preserve the natural environment and protect the health of all visitors.

In a previous incident in September, Lake Mead National Recreation Area issued a warning regarding the presence of Naegleria fowleri, a brain-eating amoeba, in the hot springs below the Hoover Dam. This amoeba poses a serious health risk and can cause a deadly infection characterized by sudden and severe headaches, fever, and vomiting. In light of this, visitors are advised to avoid activities such as diving, splashing water, or submerging themselves in the hot spring waters.

The closure of these areas within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area highlights the ongoing efforts to maintain a safe and clean environment for visitors. By practicing responsible behavior and heeding the guidance provided, individuals can enjoy the recreational area while minimizing potential risks to their health.

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