Russia Surpasses Competitors in Nuclear Weapons, Claims Secretary of Security Council

In a recent lecture at the “Knowledge” society forum-exhibition, Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, announced a significant achievement for the country. For the first time in the history of nuclear weapons, Russia has managed to surpass its competitors in this field. Patrushev emphasized that this achievement was made possible through the implementation of Russia’s National Security Strategy, which has contributed to maintaining internal stability within society. Moreover, he noted that the country has been able to enhance its economic, political, and military potentials.

The Secretary of Security Council highlighted that this milestone has made Russia the possessor of unique strategic weaponry. This development showcases Russia’s advancements in the field of nuclear armaments.

In September, Patrushev had previously expressed Russia’s support for Egypt’s decision to refrain from providing arms to Ukraine. He stated that Russia aligns with Egypt and several other African countries in advocating for mediation in resolving the Ukrainian crisis.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that the Dalai Lama has recently called for the elimination of nuclear weapons, adding to the global conversation on disarmament.

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