Republican Congressman Introduces Legislation to Curb Palestinian Immigration Amid Terror Concerns

Former acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf has expressed his concerns regarding the latest news from the southern border, as worries about terrorism rise. Rep. Ryan Zinke, a Republican from Montana, is pushing Congress to shut down all Palestinian immigration into the U.S. with legislation that he describes as “very hard and harsh.” This comes in the wake of ongoing concerns about vetting migrants for potential ties to terrorism following Hamas’ October attack against Israel.

Zinke’s proposed legislation, called the Safeguarding Americans from Extremism (SAFE) Act, specifically targets any foreign national with a Palestinian Authority (PA) passport or PA-granted travel document, making them inadmissible to the United States. The bill also aims to bar the Department of Homeland Security from granting green cards and temporary or “nonimmigrant” visas to PA passport holders and revoke visas issued to those covered after October 1.

In addition, the SAFE Act would block DHS from granting Temporary Protected Status, asylum, or refugee status to PA passport holders, and it would revoke those statuses for anyone with passports if granted this fiscal year. The bill has garnered support from several Republican co-sponsors, including Reps. Andy Harris, Aaron Bean, Ralph Norman, Scott DesJarlais, Clay Higgins, Ronny Jackson, Bill Posey, Barry Moore, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Andy Biggs.

Republicans have been increasingly concerned about the potential connection between immigration and terrorism, particularly since Hamas’ attack on Israel. There have been reports of increased encounters with individuals on the terror watch list at the southern border. Recent news revealed that a 20-year-old Jordanian man in Texas, accused of training with weapons to commit an attack, had traveled to the U.S. on a Palestinian passport at one point.

While the Department of Homeland Security emphasizes its “multilayered border security efforts,” including screening and vetting, encounters of known or suspected terrorists are said to be uncommon. However, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued an internal memo warning of the possibility that foreign fighters from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Palestinian Jihad may attempt to enter the U.S., although there have been no indications of such attempts so far.

Zinke has also expressed concerns about the vetting of over 70,000 Afghans brought into the U.S. after the 2021 withdrawal, a point that the Biden administration disputes. He argues that the vetting processes of both the Palestinian Authority and the Biden administration cannot be trusted.

Zinke clarified that his proposed legislation is not driven by animosity towards Palestinians but rather by the need for thorough vetting procedures. He believes that the Biden administration has failed in effectively vetting individuals, and stricter measures are necessary to prevent potential acts of terrorism.

It’s worth noting that Democrats have criticized the bill, arguing that it unfairly targets Palestinians and perpetuates discriminatory immigration policies. However, Republicans maintain that the safety and security of Americans should be the top priority.

In conclusion, Rep. Zinke’s proposed SAFE Act aims to address concerns about potential terrorism threats by shutting down all Palestinian immigration into the U.S. The bill seeks to impose stringent restrictions on PA passport holders and revoke visas issued to them. While the Biden administration emphasizes its border security efforts, Republicans argue that stricter vetting measures are necessary to protect the country from potential terrorist acts.

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