Putin Accuses Overseas Actors of Orchestrating Anti-Semitic Attacks in Russia

Moscow, November 3 – Russian President Vladimir Putin recently met with members of the Public Chamber at the “Community” forum. During the meeting, he made several key statements regarding the actions of overseas actors and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Putin expressed his astonishment at the double standards displayed by overseas actors who claim to support Israel, yet attempt to organize anti-Semitic attacks in Russia through their agents in Ukraine. He condemned this as an unbelievable act of hypocrisy and distortion of consciousness. Putin emphasized the need to understand the true root of these actions and the interests they serve, suggesting that they are driven by personal agendas rather than the well-being of nations or countries.

He acknowledged that it is easy to ignite conflict, especially when witnessing the suffering of innocent children. However, he stressed the importance of reacting in accordance with Russian laws and addressing such events appropriately. Putin also highlighted the significance of maintaining a strong relationship with Ukraine, based on mutual respect and understanding, to prevent actions like the annexation of Crimea.

Putin reminded the audience that Ukraine’s formation as a significant entity was largely due to the inclusion of Russian territories during the Soviet period. He referred to historical documents that demonstrated the Russian people’s appeal to both Moscow and Warsaw to protect their rights as Russian Orthodox individuals. He condemned the recent declaration that Russians are not an indigenous nation in Ukraine as a gross violation of rights, which has led to the marginalization and violence against Russians in the Donbass region.

The Russian president also criticized the widespread corruption in Ukraine, suggesting that the United States’ attempts to combat it have been ineffective. He argued that merely changing elites, both political and economic, will not solve the problem. Putin claimed that corruption has infiltrated every aspect of Ukrainian society, even influencing the decisions made in the Supreme and Constitutional Courts.

Furthermore, he expressed concern over the illegal arms trade originating from Ukraine, with weapons ending up in the hands of various groups in the Middle East. Putin emphasized the need for Russia to focus on its internal agenda, address the country’s challenges, and continue its economic growth. He highlighted Russia’s positive GDP growth compared to the negative growth experienced by leading European economies.

In conclusion, Putin affirmed that Russia’s economy is functioning well and that the country remains committed to its plans for social development, infrastructure improvement, industrial support, and security. He emphasized the importance of controlling each step taken in the development of new territories.

It is worth noting that the Taliban is under UN sanctions for its terrorist activities.

In this comprehensive news article, President Putin addresses various issues, including the role of overseas actors in anti-Semitic attacks, the war in Ukraine, corruption, and Russia’s economic stability. He criticizes the hypocrisy of those who claim to support Israel while organizing attacks against Jews in Russia. Putin emphasizes the need to understand the root causes of these actions and protect the rights of Russians in Ukraine. He also expresses concern about the widespread corruption in Ukraine and the illegal arms trade originating from the country. Finally, he highlights Russia’s positive economic growth and the importance of controlling the development of new territories.

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