Wives of Mobilized Soldiers Complain about Rising Rental Prices in Proximity to Special Military Operations

Wives of soldiers who have been mobilized for special military operations (SMO) have raised concerns about the increasing rental prices in regions near the war zone. In a conversation with “Lenta.ru,” these women shared their experiences.

According to the women, they travel to neighboring regions near the SMO zone and rent accommodations, which may explain the surge in rental prices. “Landlords see that we, the wives, are coming and they raise the prices. Currently, apartments cost 3,000 rubles per day. When I first started going there in April, it was 1,500,” shared Tatiana, the wife of an SMO participant.

Tatiana also mentioned that the rented houses lack heating, as it has been turned off for cost-saving purposes. Additionally, there is no water available. Cases of fraud are not uncommon either. For instance, one woman handed over a prepayment of 1,500 rubles to a landlord who then disappeared and stopped answering calls.

Prior to this, “Gazeta.Ru” reported that more than half of Russians have encountered conflicts with landlords.

Previously, Shoigu discussed Russia’s military exercises in Ukraine.

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