The Genocide in Gaza: The Imperial West’s Active Participation in the Tragedy

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has taken a devastating turn, with the Israeli state engaging in what can only be described as a genocide of the Palestinian people. The military rules of engagement have been “loosened,” essentially giving Israeli soldiers the green light to kill anyone they encounter inside the Gaza Strip. Shockingly, Israeli politicians and soldiers are openly discussing turning Gaza into dust and eliminating Palestinians, while envisioning Israeli settlers taking over their land.

The situation in Gaza has reached a critical point, with Palestinians being deliberately deprived of basic necessities such as food, water, shelter, and medical care. Indiscriminate bombings from the air are causing immense loss of life and injuries among Palestinians. Furthermore, Israel is encouraging Palestinians to leave their homes in northern Gaza and head south, with the intention of colonizing the area and permanently expelling its current residents.

Genocide, as scholars have noted, rarely occurs solely due to the actions of a single leader or extremist group. In this case, it is alarming to see the widespread support for this genocide, coming from both active participants and those complicit through their silence. Institutions in North America, Western Europe, and elsewhere are either actively participating in or remaining completely silent about this atrocity.

To carry out a genocide, two critical elements are required: the material capabilities and infrastructure to commit such acts, and the ability to conceal the genocide by presenting it under a different guise. The West is actively participating in both aspects. The United States has deployed not one, but two aircraft carriers to the region and has made it clear that any attempt to aid Palestinians will be met with full-force intervention. The United Kingdom has also sent naval ships to support the Western imperial threat.

Financial support from corporations and economic institutions has allowed Israel to develop the infrastructure necessary to carry out this genocide. Meanwhile, political, media, social, and cultural institutions in the West are fully mobilized to hide and conceal this act of genocide. They present it as a righteous act of self-defense by the victimized Jewish people, while labeling any support for Palestine as support for terrorism.

Those daring to question these narratives are being marginalized, silenced, and de-platformed. This coordinated effort by establishment institutions in the West is enabling the genocide of Palestinians under the guise of protecting “civilization” from “barbarism.”

The suffering endured by Palestinians thus far is unfathomable, and unfortunately, the situation is expected to worsen. In moments like this, the true intentions of the imperial West become clear. The imperial project that began in the 15th century continues to prioritize power and wealth above all else. It has evolved and transformed over the years, but its commitment to maintaining supremacy remains unchanged.

The world must recognize that we are not living in an international system of nation-states, but rather an imperial world order where the West reigns supreme. White supremacy is not only alive but also an expression of the material conditions of our world. It is evident that the Euro-American empire forcefully asserts itself as the lord of the world through any means necessary.

To move towards a better world, it is imperative to remove Western European and North American states, not people, from our political and economic lives worldwide. This brave decolonization project is not just for the sake of Palestine but for the dignity, freedom, and humanity of all people. European and North American individuals can join this movement as equals, but only if they actively participate in dismantling the imperial world order that primarily benefits their elites.

The views expressed in this article reflect the author’s own and do not necessarily align with the editorial stance of the publication.

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