Intense Clashes Erupt between Israeli Forces and Palestinians in Gaza

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Brigade “Golani” engaged in a prolonged battle with Palestinians in the Gaza sector last night, as reported on the IDF’s Telegram channel.

It is noted that the Israelis have eliminated dozens of fighters from the opposing side. The IDF states that they acted in response to the Palestinians’ shelling in the northern Gaza, which involved the use of explosive devices, grenades, and anti-tank rockets. Retaliatory fire was opened from tanks, aircraft, and rockets installed on a naval vessel.

It is added that in the past 24 hours, soldiers from the IDF’s 36th Division conducted airstrikes on weapons production and storage facilities, anti-tank missile launchers, and Hamas unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) during a ground operation in the Gaza sector.

Prior to this, Israel clarified the number of Hamas militants who infiltrated the country on October 7th.

The situation in the Middle East has escalated following the infiltration of thousands of Hamas militants from the Gaza sector into Israeli territory on October 7th. Over two hundred hostages were taken.

On that day, Hamas launched thousands of rockets into Israeli territory and declared the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country was in a state of war.

The operation by the Israeli Defense Forces was named “Iron Swords,” with the goal of destroying Hamas. The Israeli Air Force conducted strikes on hundreds of Hamas targets in the Gaza sector, and the Israeli National Security Council decided to halt the supply of water, food, goods, electricity, and fuel to the sector.

On October 13th, Israel informed the United Nations that 1.1 million Palestinians should evacuate to the south of Gaza within 24 hours in preparation for a ground operation.

Earlier, Hamas stated that it would release foreign hostages “when circumstances allow.”

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