US Senator Introduces Bill to Reclassify Iran-Backed Houthis in Yemen as Terrorists

In a recent development, US Senator Steve Daines from Montana has introduced a bill seeking to reclassify the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen as terrorists. This move comes in response to a series of attacks on Israeli and US forces, with Daines emphasizing the need to designate the Houthis as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). The senator argues that the ongoing attacks on Israel, directed by Iranian proxies including the Houthis, are deeply concerning and warrant immediate action.

Daines highlights that other groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have already been designated as FTOs since 1997. He asserts that there is no reason why the Houthis should not receive the same designation. The recent missile and drone attacks against Israel by the Houthis further underscore the need for the Biden administration to take decisive action and send a clear message that the United States will not tolerate attacks on its allies.

Moreover, Daines emphasizes the importance of directly addressing Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terror. By reclassifying the Houthis as terrorists, Daines believes that it will not only deter further attacks on Israel but also send a strong message to Iran about the United States’ zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism.

The bill, known as the Standing Against Houthi Aggression Act, aims to designate Ansarallah, commonly known as the Houthis, as an FTO. This designation would enable the US to enact various measures and sanctions against the group, including disrupting their financial support networks. Additionally, it would make it unlawful for individuals within the US or subject to US jurisdiction to knowingly provide material support or resources to the designated FTO.

Thirteen senators, including Roger Marshall, Bill Hagerty, Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Marco Rubio, and others, have co-sponsored the bill. However, no Democrats have shown support for the proposed legislation.

Critics have recently urged the US government to reconsider the designation of the Houthis as an FTO. The Trump administration had previously designated the group as an FTO, but the Biden administration reversed that decision, citing concerns about the impact on Yemenis’ access to basic commodities. Secretary of State Antony Blinken argued that the focus should be on alleviating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and promoting dialogue among the parties involved.

In light of the recent Hamas terrorist attack on Israel and subsequent attacks on US troops in the Middle East, senior Pentagon officials have discussed the expected escalation of attacks by various Islamic extremist groups. While preliminary intelligence did not indicate Iranian involvement in the planning or execution of the Hamas attack, defense officials believe that subsequent attacks bear “Iranian fingerprints.”

The introduction of this bill by Senator Daines reflects the growing concern over the Houthis’ actions and their alignment with Iran. It remains to be seen how the Biden administration will respond to these calls for reclassification and whether they will take further action to address the escalating tensions in the region.

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