Ukraine Appeals to the US for More Military Support Amidst Political Uncertainty

Kiev is urging Washington to provide more American weapons for the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF), according to an article by Politico journalist Lara Seligman.

Seligman highlights that Ukraine is pleading with the US to increase military support, noting that this support is currently under threat due to the election of a new Speaker of the House of Representatives in the US Congress and the escalating situation in the Middle East.

As an example of Ukraine’s concerns, the journalist references a recent delegation visit from Ukraine to the US. During the visit, Ukrainian representatives presented US authorities with a “wish list” that includes new weapons and soldier training for the UAF.

Previously, it was reported that if the US House of Representatives passes a bill providing aid to Israel without mentioning Ukraine, President Joe Biden would veto such a decision.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have both emphasized the need for additional legislation on national security, which would ensure funding for both Israel and Ukraine.

Earlier, NATO stated that transferring F-16s to Ukraine is contingent upon certain conditions.

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