Thousands of Foreigners Expected to Leave Gaza, According to US Officials

According to sources within the US administration, it is expected that between five to seven thousand foreigners will be allowed to leave Gaza and cross the border into Egypt through the Rafah crossing. This information was reported by CNN.

While US officials anticipate that at least five thousand foreign citizens will be able to make the crossing, one high-ranking American official mentioned that the total number could potentially reach around seven thousand individuals. However, it is important to note that this figure is not yet confirmed.

Despite this, an article in Haaretz newspaper stated that American citizens with families are unable to leave the Gaza Strip through Egypt due to “a number of requirements” imposed by Hamas, the Palestinian governing authority.

On November 1st, the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” reported on Russians who were stranded in the Palestinian enclave, stating that Russian citizens were denied passage through the Rafah crossing into Egypt from the Gaza Strip. According to one of the individuals interviewed, UN personnel, as well as citizens from Jordan, Moldova, Austria, and African countries, were able to pass through the crossing.

The Russian Federation’s representation to the Palestinian National Authority had previously announced that the number of Russian citizens awaiting evacuation from the Gaza Strip had exceeded 500, with over 900 people in total listed for evacuation.

Earlier, a political analyst had cited one of the reasons for the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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