House Judiciary Committee Chairman Opens Investigation into Alleged Obstruction of Hunter Biden Probe

In a recent development, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has launched an investigation into the alleged obstruction of Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson’s 2020 investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, has accused the intelligence community of advancing Russian “disinformation” and obstructing the senators’ work. The investigation aims to shed light on the efforts made by officials to debunk the probe.

Grassley and Johnson had initiated an investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial connections with Ukraine and other foreign nations in 2019. However, in August 2020, they received a briefing from the FBI that they considered improper. The briefing, which the senators claim was delivered under pressure from congressional Democrats, focused on the “threat of Russian disinformation.” Jordan alleges that this briefing hampered the senators’ investigation by providing information they already knew and was unrelated to their Biden probe.

In a letter to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Jordan demanded information regarding the briefing and its impact on the investigation. He revealed that the briefing was based on intelligence provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), not the FBI. Transcribed interviews with FBI officials involved in the briefing confirmed that ODNI had coordinated and drafted the script used to brief the senators. This revelation suggests that the briefing was a deliberate attempt to frustrate and obstruct the investigation into the Biden family’s alleged overseas influence-peddling operation.

Jordan’s investigation seeks to obtain the script used in the briefing, all related documents and communications, and information about the individuals involved in the decision to provide the briefing. He also requested communications between ODNI and top Democrats who sent a letter attempting to tie Grassley and Johnson’s investigation to foreign disinformation.

The House Oversight Committee is currently conducting its own investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings and whether President Biden was involved. Jordan’s investigation is part of the broader efforts by the House Judiciary Committee’s Weaponization Subcommittee to uncover officials who falsely labeled the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation.

The report released by Grassley and Johnson in September 2020 revealed potential criminal activity involving transactions among Hunter Biden, his family, and associates with Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, and Chinese nationals. As the investigations continue, the House Judiciary Committee aims to bring transparency to the alleged obstruction and shed light on the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.

The investigation led by Jim Jordan is a crucial step in holding the intelligence community accountable for its actions. The findings of this investigation have the potential to impact public perception of the Biden family’s business activities and the credibility of the intelligence community. As the investigation unfolds, it is essential to closely monitor the developments and assess their implications for the ongoing political landscape.

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