Elon Musk Expresses Concern Over Massive Migrant Caravan Heading to US-Mexico Border

In a recent tweet, tech billionaire Elon Musk shared his concerns about the scale of illegal immigration across the US southern border. Musk’s comments came in response to a video posted by the account End Wokeness, which showed a massive migrant caravan marching through a southern Mexican town and along a highway. The video caption claimed that the caravan was not a crisis but an invasion.

Musk’s tweet read, “The scale of illegal immigration across the US southern border is staggering.” This statement highlights his worries about the growing influx of migrants and the potential impact it may have on border security and the United States as a whole.

Irineo Mújica, one of the organizers of the caravan, spoke to Real America’s Voice and made startling claims about Latin American countries “conspiring against the United States” and “fueling” the flow of migrants northward. Mújica also criticized the Biden administration, stating that it has “dropped the ball” on immigration issues.

According to Mújica, approximately 5,000 migrants set out on foot from Mexico’s main migrant processing center in Tapachula, near the Guatemalan border. At times, they were escorted by police and ambulances to ensure their safety and prevent road blockages. This significant movement of people highlights the urgency of the situation.

Musk’s visit to the US-Mexico border in September, during which he was accompanied by Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, showcased his growing interest in immigration issues. The billionaire’s live video broadcast on his platform X (formerly Twitter) attracted over 22 million views, further emphasizing the public’s concern about the situation at the border.

Mújica called for transit visas that would allow migrants to cross Mexico and reach the US border. He highlighted the difficult living conditions in Tapachula, where many migrants are forced to live on the streets in squalid conditions. The Associated Press reported that Monday’s march was one of the largest since June 2022, indicating the escalating nature of the crisis.

US border officials estimate that as many as 10,000 migrants have arrived at the border in recent weeks. The situation has also caught the attention of politicians, with New York City Mayor Eric Adams visiting the region to urge migrants not to continue their journey to his city.

The migrant caravan’s journey has raised concerns about border security, immigration policies, and the overall impact on the United States. Elon Musk’s comments and involvement in the issue further highlight the gravity of the situation and the need for effective solutions to address the border crisis.

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