Cornell University Student Arrested for Making Antisemitic Threats and Hate Speech

A Cornell University junior, Patrick Dai, appeared in federal court in Syracuse, New York, on charges of making online threats to murder Jewish people and harm their babies. Prosecutors argued that Dai posed a danger and risk of flight, advocating for him to remain behind bars. The defense lawyer, Gabrielle DiBella, chose not to argue for his release, leading to a swift conclusion of the hearing. Dai, an engineering student, was arrested for threatening posts made on a Greek life message board. The posts contained disturbing statements such as “Watch out pig Jews. jihad is coming. nowhere is safe. your synagogue will become graveyards. your women will be raped and your children will be beheaded. glory to Allah.”

The threatening posts were made under various usernames, including “kill jews,” “hamas soldier,” and “sieg heil.” Dai specifically targeted a campus dining hall that serves kosher food, threatening to “shoot up 104 west.” The dining hall is located next to the Cornell Center for Jewish Living, which provides housing for Jewish students. In another post, Dai threatened to bring an assault rifle to campus and harm Jewish individuals, describing them as “rats” that needed to be eliminated. He also made disturbing threats towards Jewish males, females, and babies in subsequent posts.

The FBI was alerted to these deranged messages by Cornell University Police and a tipster on October 29. Investigators traced Dai through his IP address and interviewed him, during which he allegedly confessed to making the antisemitic threats. The university’s president, Martha Pollack, issued a statement condemning antisemitism on campus and vowed to respond rapidly and forcefully to any threats or incitement to violence. Cornell University will also focus on antisemitism awareness in its diversity programming and implement new policies to counter prejudice against Jews.

The Center for Jewish Living at Cornell University expressed deep sadness and pain over the threats made by one of its own students. They emphasized that there is no place for antisemitism anywhere in the world and called for punishment for such terrorizing actions. Dai’s parents revealed that he suffers from severe depression and was on the brink of suicide before his arrest. They shared that he had taken time off from his studies to focus on his mental health.

In response to the alarming messages, the university has increased security for Jewish students and organizations. Additionally, New York Governor Kathy Hochul visited the campus to address the issue. Dai has been charged with making threats to injure or kill others using interstate communications, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. He is due back in court on November 15 for a preliminary hearing.

It is essential to address and combat hate speech and antisemitism in educational institutions. The arrest of Patrick Dai highlights the need for increased awareness and preventive measures against such acts of hatred.

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