White House Compares Israeli-Targeted Storming in Russia to Historical Anti-Jewish Pogroms

The White House has drawn a parallel between the recent storming of a Dagestan, Russia airport by Israeli forces and the anti-Jewish pogroms that occurred in Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby made the comparison during a press briefing, following condemnation of antisemitic protests on college campuses by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Kirby described the airport incident as a “chilling demonstration of hate, bigotry, and intimidation,” and suggested that it resembled the pogroms of the past, citing the disturbing video evidence available.

Kirby also criticized the Russian federal government for its silence on the airport storming, which was carried out by pro-Palestinian rioters searching for passengers arriving from Tel Aviv. The incident took place in a predominantly Muslim region of south Russia, bordering the Caspian Sea and Azerbaijan. Kirby emphasized the need to condemn hate equally, referring to the rise of Islamophobia in the country.

The term “pogroms” used by Kirby refers to a series of mob-led attacks against Jews during the final years of the Russian Empire and the subsequent period following the Russian Revolution, leading to the formation of the Soviet Union. Similar instances of violence occurred in other parts of Eastern Europe during the same time period, as well as in Nazi Germany during the 1930s.

The White House released a statement on Sunday vigorously condemning the group of rioters involved in the airport incident, who were heard shouting antisemitic chants. As a result of their actions, the airport was temporarily closed and all incoming flights were diverted.

The comparison drawn by the White House highlights the severity of the incident and aims to raise awareness about the persistence of antisemitism. It serves as a reminder of the historical atrocities committed against the Jewish community and the need for collective efforts to combat hate in all its forms.

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