Texas Republican Rep. Discusses Bills to Boost Border Security Amidst Ongoing Crisis

Texas Republican state Rep. David Spiller appeared on ‘FOX & Friends Weekend’ to address the introduction of three bills aimed at strengthening border security and expanding police power to deport illegal immigrants. The discussion comes in the wake of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ confirmation to Senate lawmakers that more than 600,000 “gotaways” were detected at the southern border in fiscal year 2023.

During a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kansas, questioned Mayorkas on the number of gotaways recorded by Customs and Border Protection in fiscal 2023. Mayorkas responded, stating that the number exceeded 600,000 and highlighting that this issue has been a longstanding challenge for the Department of Homeland Security.

Republican lawmakers have consistently expressed concerns regarding the threat to national security and public safety posed by the increasing number of illegal immigrants evading overwhelmed Border Patrol agents amidst the ongoing border crisis. These concerns have been further heightened by renewed terrorism fears following the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East, which officials believe has escalated the risk of terrorism to Americans.

Fiscal year 2023 witnessed record numbers of encounters with migrants at the southern border, surpassing the previous year’s figures. Over 2.4 million migrants were encountered by CBP during this period, with more than 269,000 encountered in September alone, marking a new monthly record. Additionally, it was reported that CBP released over 900,000 encountered migrants into the U.S. during fiscal year 2023.

Border Patrol agents also experienced a record number of encounters with individuals on the terror watch list between ports of entry during fiscal year 2023. The Terrorist Screening Dataset, which contains information on terrorist identities, includes not only known or suspected terrorists but also affiliates of watch-listed individuals.

The Department of Homeland Security’s fiscal year 2024 threat assessment warned of an increasing number of encounters with individuals on the watch list and highlighted the potential for terrorists and criminal actors to exploit the elevated flow and complex security environment to enter the United States. In response, a DHS spokesperson emphasized that the U.S. remains in a heightened threat environment, and recent events have reinforced this reality.

The Biden administration has requested an additional $14 billion in supplemental funding for border operations, focused on migrant services, anti-fentanyl technology, expedited removal, and increased border agents. The administration’s approach aims to implement consequences for illegal entry while expanding lawful pathways for migration.

Republicans, however, have accused the Biden administration of exacerbating the border crisis through increased releases into the U.S., reduced interior enforcement, and the termination of Trump-era policies such as border wall construction and the Remain-in-Mexico policy.

In conclusion, the ongoing border crisis, coupled with the detection of over 600,000 gotaways at the southern border in fiscal year 2023, has prompted Texas Republican Rep. David Spiller to discuss three bills aimed at enhancing border security and empowering law enforcement to address the challenges posed by illegal immigration. The issue is further complicated by the potential threat of terrorism and the Biden administration’s approach to border operations.

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