House Democrat Calls for Investigation into Sports Blackouts, Demands Power be Restored to Fans

In a recent development, Rep. Pat Ryan, a Democrat from New York, has called for an investigation into the issue of “sports blackouts” and the potential exploitation of American consumers by broadcast monopolies. Ryan expressed his concern over the blackout of sporting events during what is known as the “sports equinox,” a day when all four major professional sports leagues play simultaneously. He criticized the billionaire owners of sports teams for prioritizing profit over the interests of fans.

Sports blackouts occur when specific athletic events are prohibited from being aired in certain markets. These blackouts originated from a 1961 law that granted sports leagues an exemption to antitrust regulations, allowing them to negotiate more freely with teams and markets. A subsequent 1992 law gave broadcasters the right to blackout content when negotiations with providers failed. However, the proliferation of streaming services and television channels in recent years has raised concerns about the impact of sports blackouts on American consumers.

Ryan emphasized that sports blackouts have become a source of frustration and inconvenience for Americans of all backgrounds. In a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), he highlighted the unfairness faced by fans in their home team’s territory who are blocked from viewing most of their team’s games on platforms other than their local regional sports network (RSN). This often forces them to subscribe to expensive RSNs, while out-of-market viewers have access to cheaper and more comprehensive streaming services.

The congressman also pointed out that even RSN subscribers can face blackouts when leagues sell exclusive rights to certain games to streaming services. He cited over 20 instances during the 2023 Major League Baseball (MLB) regular season where New York Yankees and Mets fans were unable to watch their teams due to these blackouts.

Ryan has requested the GAO to investigate the prevalence of sports blackouts over the past decade and assess the impact of the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961. He is also urging Congress and federal regulators to explore measures to address the monopolies that contribute to consumer exploitation.

The issue of sports blackouts gained significant attention recently when a dispute between cable provider Spectrum and media giant Disney resulted in a 10-day blackout of ESPN and ESPN+ content. Spectrum customers were unable to watch the U.S. Open and college football despite paying for the service. The blackout ended just before Monday Night Football, but not before attracting media scrutiny.

Rep. Pat Ryan’s call for an investigation into sports blackouts sheds light on an issue that affects sports fans across the country. By demanding power to be restored to the fans, Ryan seeks to address the concerns of American consumers who are facing increasing obstacles to accessing their favorite sports content. The GAO’s analysis and potential regulatory action may play a crucial role in breaking up the monopolies that contribute to this issue.

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