China Pledges to Promote Peaceful Resolution in Hamas-Israel Conflict

In a recent statement, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has vowed to continue promoting peaceful resolution in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. According to RIA Novosti, the MFA’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nun Zhong, emphasized China’s commitment to facilitating reconciliation and peaceful negotiations, encouraging the involved parties to build mutual trust in the realm of security, and resolving conflicts and disagreements through open dialogue and interaction.

China has also expressed a similar stance regarding the Ukrainian crisis, calling for the creation of conditions that would foster the resumption of negotiations.

Earlier, Jonathan Conricus, a spokesperson for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in reserve, revealed that over 800,000 residents of Gaza had been evacuated from the northern Palestinian enclave.

The situation in the Middle East has escalated following the infiltration of thousands of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory on October 7. More than two hundred hostages were taken during the incursion. On that day, Hamas launched several thousand rockets at Israeli territory and declared the beginning of the “Al-Aqsa Flooding” operation.

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country was in a state of war.

Previously, Prime Minister Netanyahu had outlined Israel’s objectives in the war against Hamas.

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