Russia Accuses the West of Using Ukraine as a Pawn in Hybrid War

In a recent speech at the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu accused the West of using Ukraine as a tool to inflict “strategic defeat” on Russia. He criticized the United States for disregarding Russia’s legitimate security concerns and persistently expanding NATO towards the East, which he described as aggressive moves that forced Russia to take countermeasures.

Shoigu stated, “In response, the West has openly pursued a strategy to strategically defeat Russia in a hybrid war unleashed against us. Ukraine has cynically been chosen as the pawn, relegated to a disposable role.” The defense minister emphasized that the United States, along with its Western allies, consolidated all their military and political resources to preserve their fading global dominance. As a result, the foundations of international security and strategic stability have been undermined, leading to contemporary cataclysms in international relations.

Shoigu also noted that the Russian government is open to discussions regarding the resolution of the Ukrainian crisis once the hostilities have ceased. He expressed willingness to engage in dialogue to find a peaceful solution.

Earlier, Ukrainian officials disclosed the conditions under which President Volodymyr Zelensky could visit Moscow for negotiations.

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