Biden Administration Official Faces Defunding Vote Amidst Congressional Ethics Probe

In a latest development, a top Biden administration official overseeing a crucial aspect of the White House’s climate agenda is facing the possibility of having her taxpayer-funded salary stripped. Ann Carlson, who is currently serving as the acting administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), is under scrutiny due to an ongoing congressional ethics probe. The Senate is set to vote on an amendment introduced by Senators Ted Cruz and Cynthia Lummis, which aims to defund Carlson.

Despite failing to clear the Senate confirmation process earlier this year, Carlson continues to lead NHTSA. The White House withdrew her nomination in May after ethics concerns were raised regarding her environmental activism and alleged involvement in recruiting donors for a law firm engaged in high-profile climate litigation against oil companies. Senator Cruz, a vocal critic of Carlson’s nomination, expressed his opposition to her appointment, stating that it would result in more mandates, higher costs for families, and a less vibrant economy.

Cruz also highlighted a provision in the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, which prohibits individuals nominated for vacant offices from performing the duties of that office in an acting capacity. He argued that Carlson’s previous position as an environmental law professor at UCLA, where she actively participated in coordinating novel litigation against fossil fuel companies, raises concerns about her suitability for the role.

A memo from the Republican Commerce Committee staff revealed that Carlson was involved in coordinating efforts with the law firm Sher Edling, which has filed numerous climate nuisance lawsuits against the oil industry. She also reportedly worked with the chairman of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change & the Environment to secure funding for Sher Edling’s work through a dark money fund. The memo also alleged that Carlson concealed her work with Sher Edling, despite attempts by Congress to obtain information.

The memo further stated that unpaid UCLA Law School students from Carlson’s institute provided free legal services to Sher Edling. The firm, however, declined to provide detailed information about Carlson’s work, including the nature of her consultations and the extent of funding received from non-profit entities.

Meanwhile, as acting NHTSA administrator, Carlson played a significant role in crafting the agency’s most aggressive fuel economy standards. While experts warned that these standards would lead to increased car prices and force electric vehicle purchases, Carlson argued that they would reduce harmful emissions. The regulations were unveiled in July, two months after her nomination was withdrawn.

Critics argue that Carlson’s involvement in crafting these regulations, along with her controversial background, raises questions about her suitability for a government position. They argue that appointing someone with such extreme views on vehicle regulation undermines the interests of regular Americans and imposes an ideological agenda.

The NHTSA has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

In conclusion, the defunding vote on Ann Carlson’s salary amidst the ongoing congressional ethics probe highlights the controversy surrounding her appointment as the acting administrator of NHTSA. Critics argue that her involvement in climate litigation and her role in crafting aggressive fuel economy standards raise concerns about her suitability for the position. The outcome of the Senate vote will determine the future of Carlson’s taxpayer-funded salary and her continued leadership of NHTSA.

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