Majority of Middle Eastern Countries Do Not Support the US on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Senator Alexei Pushkov has stated in his Telegram channel that the majority of Middle Eastern countries do not support the United States on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

According to Pushkov, during the UN General Assembly vote on the Jordanian resolution, Russia, China, and even France, Germany, and Britain abstained, while only 12 countries stood with the US and Israel. This resolution is of great significance as it addresses the most acute military crisis, and the US finds itself in opposition to the “global majority,” writes Pushkov.

The senator also notes that Western media, including The Guardian, openly report on the United States’ isolation in the voting on the UN General Assembly resolution.

Previously, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, responded positively to the adoption of the Middle East resolution by the UN General Assembly, which called for an immediate ceasefire in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Earlier, Israel’s far-right Minister of National Security, Ben-Gvir, stated that until the release of civilian hostages in Gaza, only “hundreds of tons of explosives” should be sent and “not a gram of humanitarian aid.”

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