House Speaker Johnson Accuses President Biden of Ongoing Cover-Up in Exclusive Interview

In an exclusive interview with FOX News, House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, made explosive allegations against President Joe Biden, stating that he is engaged in an “ongoing cover-up” and has “lied repeatedly” about his involvement in and knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Johnson also revealed that the impeachment inquiry against Biden will continue “methodically” and without a “predetermined” outcome.

Johnson, who was elected speaker of the House of Representatives, emphasized the importance of respecting due process and handling impeachment as a serious matter. He stated that impeachment should not be used as a political tool and that House Republicans are committed to collecting evidence and following the truth wherever it leads.

Leading the inquiry are House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, and Ways & Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith. Johnson commended their exceptional work in uncovering evidence and stressed that the impeachment investigation is being handled legally and appropriately.

While legal experts have differing opinions on whether Congress can initiate impeachment proceedings for alleged crimes that occurred before holding the presidency, Johnson believes there is overwhelming evidence to suggest Biden’s involvement and benefits received by his family. He even hinted at the possibility of bribery, which is specifically listed in the Constitution, and vowed to pursue it.

Johnson pointed to bank records as evidence, stating that they don’t lie. He revealed that Comer has collected bank records belonging to the Biden family and is continuing to do so. According to Comer, the Biden family and their business associates brought in more than $24 million between 2014 and 2019 by using Joe Biden’s name as a brand.

The White House has consistently maintained that President Biden was never involved in business with his son and had no discussions about business matters. They have dismissed the impeachment inquiry as an “evidence-free” political stunt.

Johnson assured the public that the impeachment inquiry is being conducted in a constitutional and appropriate manner, with the goal of bringing accountability to the American people. He emphasized that his job as House Speaker is not personal but rather a duty to uphold the rule of law.

Johnson’s meeting with President Biden at the White House was described as pleasant, but he made it clear that he remains committed to his role and will not apologize for seeking accountability. He drew parallels to the Democrats’ impeachment of former President Trump, stating that they diminished the institution for political vendettas.

When asked how he would respond to Democrats who view the ongoing impeachment inquiry as political, Johnson quoted John Adams, stating that “facts are stubborn things.” He emphasized the importance of presenting the facts and allowing the American people to draw their own conclusions.

While Johnson did not provide a specific timeline for the inquiry’s conclusion, he expressed the urgency to bring it to a close, as he believes the American people deserve answers.

In addition to investigating Biden’s business dealings, House Republicans are also looking into allegations of obstruction in the Justice Department’s investigation into Hunter Biden. The IRS whistleblowers have raised concerns about political influence in the probe.

Overall, the exclusive interview with House Speaker Johnson sheds light on the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Biden and the Republicans’ commitment to uncovering the truth. The allegations made by Johnson raise questions about Biden’s involvement and potential misconduct, further fueling the political divide in the United States.

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