Israeli Army Units Withdraw from Gaza Sector after Successful Operation

Israeli Army Units Withdraw from Gaza Sector after Ground Raid

In a recent development, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have announced the withdrawal of their infantry, armored, and engineering forces from the Gaza sector. This information was conveyed through a statement released by the military’s press office on their Telegram channel.

According to the IDF, a total of 36 personnel, accompanied by helicopters, conducted a thorough examination of the territory. During the operation, the forces targeted numerous terrorist sites, including positions for launching anti-tank missiles, operational headquarters, and Hamas militants.

Fortunately, there were no casualties among the Israeli military personnel. The successful completion of the mission marks the end of their presence in the Gaza sector.

Prior to this, Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer of the United States Armed Forces, proposed a plan to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for defeating Hamas in just one day. Ritter suggested engaging in negotiations with the radical movement.

The ex-intelligence officer further explained that, at present, Israel is losing the political battle against Hamas. This is due to the fact that Israel cannot achieve a direct confrontation victory over Hamas, as the ideology of the organization revolves around the concept of resistance.

Earlier, Prime Minister Netanyahu had pledged to eradicate Hamas, signaling a strong determination to deal with the group.

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