California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Trip to China Sparks Speculation of a Shadow Campaign for President

In a recent meeting with CCP President Xi Jinping, California Governor Gavin Newsom has sparked speculation that he is running a “shadow” campaign for president. With crises mounting both domestically and internationally, including the war in Ukraine and the ongoing issues in California, some are wondering if Democrats are considering an alternative to President Biden. Newsom’s trip to China, aimed at discussing climate change and strengthening the friendship between the two nations, has raised eyebrows and led to criticism from GOP congressman Doug LaMalfa.

LaMalfa suggested that Newsom’s priorities should be focused on pressing issues in California, such as homelessness, crime, and the fentanyl crisis, rather than climate change. He accused Newsom of running a “shadow campaign” for president, waiting for the moment when Democrats might throw Biden under the bus. LaMalfa also pointed out that many constituents in California are not enthusiastic about Newsom, citing rehearsed talking points and a lack of excitement.

Newsom’s recent trips to China and Israel, as well as his active involvement in policy-making, have fueled speculation that he is positioning himself for higher office. These trips come at a time when President Biden is facing multiple crises, including the border crisis, inflation, and foreign policy failures. A recent poll showed that a majority of New Yorkers blame Biden for the migrant crisis, and concerns about his age and physical fitness have been raised in other polls.

The speculation about Newsom’s ambitions is not limited to Republican politicians and commentators. Columnist Derek Hunter wrote in an opinion piece for The Hill that Newsom is running a shadow campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination. Conservative commentator Tomi Lahren and others have also expressed their belief that Newsom will run for president next year. Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany appeared on a news program to discuss Newsom’s trip, calling it part of a “shadow presidential campaign.”

While Newsom has denied running for president, speculations continue to circulate. Democratic strategist James Carville emphasized the importance of discussing Biden’s viability for the next election and suggested that Newsom might be a potential choice for Democrats. The Biden campaign has dismissed the speculation as false conspiracy theories peddled by Republicans.

The trip to China and Newsom’s active involvement in policy-making show his ambition and desire to build a national base of support. As the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Newsom will officially enter the race for the Democratic nomination. Stay tuned for updates from the campaign trail and exclusive interviews on our digital election hub.

Andrew Mark Miller, a reporter at FOX News, contributed to this article. Follow him on Twitter @andymarkmiller and email tips to [email protected].

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