Jewish Students Locked in School Library During Pro-Palestinian Protest in NYC

Jewish students at Cooper Union in New York City found themselves locked inside a school library on Wednesday as a pro-Palestinian rally took place throughout the building. Video footage captured the intense scene, showing protestors banging on doors and windows while chanting “free, free Palestine.” The video quickly spread on social media, drawing attention to the incident.

The footage reveals Jewish students sitting at a table inside the library, attempting to study as the protest unfolds outside. On the other side of the glass, students hold up signs expressing their opposition to Israel’s occupation of Palestine. The tense situation prompted Jake Novak, the former media director at the Israeli Consulate in New York, to share on social media that Jewish students had been locked in the library for their safety.

According to Novak’s post, the Jewish students were initially sitting in the library, fearing the rally outside. However, the protestors managed to bring the demonstration inside and barricade all exits. Novak also shared a video showing the Jewish students standing in the library while the sound of banging could be heard from outside. He claimed that the police had been called but were hesitant to intervene, leaving the students trapped.

Fortunately, just before 6 p.m., Novak provided an update stating that the besieged Jewish students had been safely led out of the library through tunnels. It is important to note that the New York City Police Department has yet to respond to inquiries regarding the incident and the claims made by Novak.

City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino expressed her outrage upon seeing the video circulating on social media. She criticized the situation, stating, “No big deal, just a few Jewish kids barricaded in a library while a mob tries to break the doors down to get them. At a prestigious university in New York City. In 2023. Things are going swimmingly in our progressive city.”

When questioned about the incident, school officials denied the reports of Jewish students being locked in the library due to fear. They clarified that the library had been closed for approximately 20 minutes while student protestors moved through the building, and some students chose to remain inside during that time. The officials confirmed that all students have now dispersed.

The situation at Cooper Union highlights the tensions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with protests and rallies taking place across the United States. The incident raises concerns about the safety and well-being of Jewish students on college campuses during such demonstrations.

In conclusion, the incident involving Jewish students being locked in a school library during a pro-Palestinian rally in New York City serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions and challenges faced by individuals with differing views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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