Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley Clash Over China as 2024 Republican Presidential Race Heats Up

In the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley have engaged in a heated exchange over China. DeSantis accused Haley of “rolling out the red carpet for China” during her tenure as South Carolina governor, while Haley’s campaign fired back, claiming that DeSantis has aggressively recruited Chinese companies to Florida.

The clash between the two candidates comes as they battle to be the top alternative to former President Donald Trump, who remains the commanding frontrunner in the race. While DeSantis had held the second-place position in the polls for months, Haley has recently seen her poll position rise and has surpassed DeSantis in some recent polls in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

The dispute between DeSantis and Haley began with a debate over whether the U.S. should accept Palestinian refugees fleeing the conflict in Gaza. However, it has now expanded to include China, which has become a prime target for Republicans amidst worsening relations between the U.S. and Beijing.

DeSantis-aligned super PAC Never Back Down released an ad criticizing Haley for bringing Chinese businesses to South Carolina during her governorship. DeSantis highlighted his own policies of banning the Chinese Communist Party from purchasing land in Florida and not providing them with free land. He questioned who voters should trust to lead, someone who stood up to China or someone who rolled out the red carpet for them.

Haley, on the other hand, has repeatedly emphasized that China is the “No. 1 biggest national security threat.” She has released a comprehensive plan to combat China, which includes rescinding federal funding for universities accepting money from China and ending all normal trade relations with the country until it stops flooding the U.S. with fentanyl.

Both candidates have received support from their respective super PACs. Stand for America, the super PAC aligned with Haley, has also highlighted her strong stance on China in its ads. The super PAC chief operating officer, Kristin Davison, dismissed DeSantis’ claims as lies and hypocrisy.

During an interview in New Hampshire, DeSantis took aim at Trump, criticizing his reliance on teleprompters and claiming that he has lost the energy and sense of earning the nomination. He also pointed to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who dropped his Democratic primary challenge against President Biden to launch an independent White House run. DeSantis sees himself as a vessel for anti-lockdown and anti-Fauci voters, claiming that if he becomes the nominee, those voters will support him instead of Trump.

As the 2024 election approaches, DeSantis believes that RFK Jr. will be able to attract voters who want accountability for the federal government’s COVID policies, a key part of DeSantis’ platform. He sees himself as the candidate who can bring about this accountability, while Trump, in his view, created and elevated Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The clash between DeSantis and Haley over China highlights the growing importance of the issue in Republican politics. As the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination intensifies, candidates are increasingly focusing on their stance towards China and their plans to address the challenges posed by the country.

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