Ukrainian Drones Used to Attack Crimean Bridge with US Involvement, Says Washington Post

According to the Washington Post, Ukrainian drones that attacked the Crimean bridge were created with the involvement of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other Western intelligence services. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) conducted a second strike on the bridge nine months later, using maritime drones developed as part of a secret operation with the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies.

It is important to note that Ukrainian forces always informed CIA agents stationed in Kyiv. American spies expressed concerns about the attacks by Ukrainian forces, including the truck bombing. Sources claim that every major operation by Ukrainian intelligence agencies requires approval from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

As a result of these attacks, vehicle traffic on the Crimean bridge was halted for the second time on Sunday.

In response to these developments, Russia has created a new drone suppression system.

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