House China Committee Chairman Warns of Chinese Communist Party’s Influence on US Universities

House China Select Committee Chair Rep. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., has issued a stark warning about the growing influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on American universities. In a closed-door meeting with university presidents, Gallagher urged them to be vigilant and take steps to protect their students from CCP coercion and attacks. He highlighted the CCP’s goal of leveraging technological advances and enmeshing dependencies to strengthen its international position while eroding American values and academic freedom.

Gallagher shared stories from Chinese students who have faced harassment, surveillance, and physical attacks on American campuses for expressing views that diverge from the CCP party line. Many students fear reprisal against themselves and their families in China, with some choosing not to return home. The congressman emphasized the need for universities to resist the CCP’s efforts to compromise academic freedom and undermine American values.

The issue of Chinese Students and Scholars Associations (CSSA) was also raised by Gallagher. He warned that these groups, which have chapters across the United States, often serve as a mechanism for the CCP to suppress free speech and restrain the liberty of Chinese students studying abroad. Gallagher emphasized the need for universities to rethink their collaborations with researchers and institutions affiliated with the CCP or the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

To address these concerns, Gallagher called on Congress to restrict Department of Defense-funded research collaborations with PLA-affiliated institutions and enforce laws requiring universities to disclose any foreign funding. He also stressed the importance of transparency in financial ties with adversary regimes and the need to prohibit tax-advantaged entities from funding Chinese military technologies.

While the universities that attended Gallagher’s remarks remain undisclosed, it is known that 71 institutions are involved in the Association of American Universities. These include prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, Stanford University, and Yale University. Gallagher chairs the House Permanent Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, which was established to address the threat posed by Beijing.

The warning from Gallagher comes at a time when concerns about the CCP’s influence in the United States are growing. National security officials from both Republican and Democratic administrations have warned that China poses the greatest threat to the country. As the U.S. grapples with the challenge of balancing engagement with China against protecting national interests, the issue of the CCP’s influence on American universities is receiving increased attention.

In conclusion, Rep. Gallagher’s warning about the CCP’s influence on American universities highlights the need for vigilance and action to protect academic freedom, preserve American values, and safeguard the interests of students. As the U.S.-China relationship continues to evolve, addressing this issue will be crucial in maintaining a free and open society while countering efforts to erode American influence.

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