China and Russia Join Forces to Deescalate Middle East Conflict

China’s special envoy to the Middle East, Zhai Jun, has announced China’s readiness to collaborate with Russia in efforts to deescalate the volatile situation in the Middle East. In a meeting with Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, held in Doha, both sides expressed their willingness to support the resumption of peace talks between Palestine and Israel, as well as the implementation of the “Two-State Solution” plan.

Zhai Jun voiced China’s concern over the devastating consequences of the ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel, particularly the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Palestine. He emphasized that China condemns any actions that harm innocent civilians and believes that the key factor behind the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the lack of protection for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

China and Russia share a common stance on the Palestinian issue, according to Zhai Jun. This collaborative effort between the two countries aims to contribute to the deescalation of tensions and the promotion of peace in the region.

On October 7th, Hamas launched a massive rocket attack into Israeli territory, triggering the “Flood Al-Aqsa” operation. Thousands of Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli territory, seizing military vehicles and taking hostages. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared a state of war.

The Israel Defense Forces launched a retaliatory operation named “Iron Swords,” with the primary objective of neutralizing Hamas. The Israeli Air Force conducted airstrikes on numerous Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

In a move to exert pressure on Hamas, the Israeli National Security Council decided to cut off the supply of essential resources to the Gaza Strip, including water, food, goods, electricity, and fuel. Additionally, Israel informed the United Nations that 1.1 million Palestinians must evacuate to the south of Gaza within 24 hours in anticipation of a ground operation.

The international community closely watches as tensions escalate in the Middle East, with China and Russia offering their support in deescalating the crisis and facilitating a peaceful resolution to the long-standing Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

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