Russia Accuses Ukraine of Developing Biological Weapons with US Support

Deputy Director of the Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Konstantin Vorontsov, has accused Ukraine of developing components of biological weapons in close proximity to Russian territory with the support of the Pentagon, according to TASS.

Vorontsov emphasized that the uncovered facts of the implementation of Ukraine’s military-biological program, supported by the US Department of Defense and its affiliated structures, including private companies, require the utmost attention. The diplomat noted that the analysis of projects carried out in Ukrainian laboratories leads to the conclusion that the development of biological weapons components was conducted in close proximity to Russian territory.

According to Vorontsov, Moscow’s justified questions to Washington and Kiev have not received proper answers and remain unanswered.

Earlier, it was reported that during a meeting of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, Deputy Head of the Russian delegation, Konstantin Vorontsov, stated that issues regarding the military-biological activities of the United States in Ukraine need to be resolved.

Earlier in the State Duma, a proposal was made to organize an exhibition of destroyed NATO equipment.

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