Escambia County Residents Face Ongoing Battle with Squatters and Homelessness

Residents in Escambia County, Florida, are grappling with a growing issue of squatting and homelessness, with little resolution in sight. The problem has become particularly pronounced in a community near Murphy Lane, where homeless individuals have set up encampments on private property, causing distress for nearby homeowners.

One resident, Gwen Gibson, expressed her frustration with the situation, stating that there are constant streams of people trespassing on her property to engage in illegal activities such as drug use and prostitution. Despite her efforts to report the issue to the authorities, little action has been taken to address the problem.

The Merrill family, who owns the land adjacent to Gibson’s property, has also been affected by the encampments. After being ordered by the county magistrate to clean up the area, they have taken steps to remove debris and force some of the campers off the property. However, the situation has not improved, with more people arriving at the site every day.

Collier Merrill, a local businessman, has vowed to take further action to remove the squatters from the property. He has installed security cameras and posted no trespassing signs but has not yet involved law enforcement.

The issue of squatting and homelessness in Escambia County has raised concerns among residents and political leaders. Commissioner Mike Kohler described it as the county’s “biggest problem,” with constant complaints from constituents. Tim Day, the Senior Natural Resources Manager, noted that the situation worsened during the pandemic, as the county refrained from removing individuals living in tents to prevent the spread of the virus.

Gibson shared harrowing experiences of living near the encampments, including witnessing individuals using a tree on the Merrill property as a bathroom and encountering sick workers during cleanup efforts. She also described dealing with constant trash, fires, and confrontations with the squatters.

Despite the challenges she faces, Gibson remains determined to fight for her safety and property rights. She has received threats and pushback from advocacy groups and even engaged in disputes with church groups attempting to provide aid to the squatters.

The article highlights the urgent need for the county and local authorities to address the escalating issue of squatting and homelessness in Escambia County. Residents like Gibson are living in fear and are demanding action to protect their homes and neighborhoods.

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