Increased Border Security Concerns as Iranian Nationals with Ties to Terrorism are Captured at the American Border

In recent weeks, the American border has seen the capture of two Iranians who are raising concerns about potential security threats, according to sources with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Both individuals were found to have their identities listed in the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), confirming their potential ties to terrorism. Additionally, an Iranian man in his 40s was apprehended in Eagle Pass, Texas, making him the fourth Iranian national captured in the Del Rio sector since October 1st.

The number of hits on the TSDB has significantly increased in fiscal year 2023, with a total of 151 hits recorded from October 2022 to August 2023. This figure surpasses the combined total of hits from the previous six fiscal years. Within the first two weeks of this fiscal year, CBP sources report the apprehension of over 30 Iranians, nearly 60 Syrians, 35 Pakistanis, more than 100 Russians, 285 Afghans, and nearly 2,000 Chinese migrants at the southern border.

The Department of Homeland Security has previously issued warnings about encountering individuals on the U.S. terrorist watch list at the border. In its 2024 Homeland Threat Assessment report, the agency stated that encounters with migrants, although decreased from record highs in December, are still occurring at a rate that is on pace to match the total from 2022. The report also highlighted the growing numbers of individuals on the watchlist being encountered.

The report further emphasized the ongoing threat of violence from individuals radicalized within the United States, noting the potential for lone offender or small group attacks that occur with little warning. Foreign terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS were also mentioned as seeking to rebuild overseas and maintain worldwide networks of supporters who could target the homeland.

The recent Israel-Hamas conflict has also put law enforcement on high alert across the U.S., with FBI Director Chris Wray acknowledging a spike in domestic threats. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed concern about potential security risks and stated that the U.S. should not accept any potential refugees from the Gaza Strip.

The Department of Homeland Security’s increasing encounters with individuals on the U.S. terrorist watch list at the border highlight the need for heightened border security measures. With the ongoing threat of violence from individuals radicalized in the United States and foreign terrorist groups seeking to rebuild, it is crucial for law enforcement to remain vigilant in protecting the homeland.

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