Rocket Attacks from Lebanon: Israel Strikes Back

Following reports of sirens sounding in northern Israel, nine rockets were launched from Lebanese territory into Israel. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed this in an official statement on their Telegram channel. “Nine rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israeli territory,” the statement read. It was further noted that the IDF’s air defense system intercepted five out of the nine rockets.

At present, the Israeli army is retaliating by targeting the launch site in Lebanon, as stated in the announcement. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh reported that the IDF plans to use JDAM aviation bombs in the Gaza sector and subsequently launch a ground invasion of the region. For several days now, IDF aircraft have been dropping leaflets urging Gaza residents to evacuate to Egypt. It is still unclear whether Cairo will be willing to accept over a million refugees. More details can be found in the article by “Gazeta.Ru.”

Earlier, the Israeli Minister of Defense announced plans to destroy all tunnels in the Gaza sector.

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