Rep. Jim Jordan Fights for House Speakership, Faces Uphill Battle

Senior congressional correspondent Chad Pergram provides details on Rep. Jim Jordan’s fight for the House speakership and Rep. George Santos’ fiery confrontation with a man opposed to the Israeli government. Rep. Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, is determined to schedule a floor vote to determine his bid for speaker on Tuesday, according to a source familiar with the matter. This comes after Jordan secured the nomination for speakership from the Republican conference on Friday. The source notes that Tuesday is considered the best day for a floor vote as most members would be present at the Capitol. However, Jordan faces a challenging task as he needs to convince 55 Republicans who had indicated their lack of support during a secret ballot on Friday.

The journey to Jordan’s nomination has been a roller coaster ride on Capitol Hill. It began with former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, losing the post in a vote forced by Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, a Republican from Louisiana, initially emerged as the Republican conference’s choice to replace McCarthy, defeating Jordan in a vote last week. However, Scalise surprised everyone by withdrawing from the race on Thursday night. This opened the door for Jordan to face a challenge from Rep. Austin Scott, a Republican from Georgia. Ultimately, Jordan secured the nomination with a 124-81 vote over Scott.

Despite the initial opposition from 55 Republicans, Scott later expressed his support for Jordan, calling him an asset to the Republican Party and the nominee for Speaker. Jordan’s press secretary, Russell Dye, emphasized that the Ohio Republican aims to unite the conference and prioritize important bills that the American people expect. These include providing resources to Israel to combat Hamas, border security, and reforming the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Jordan now has an opportunity to consolidate support for his bid during the House recess over the weekend. However, his success depends on not losing more than four Republican votes, assuming no Democrats support him during the floor vote. Jordan remains optimistic about his chances and looks forward to working with the entire conference to pass crucial legislation once he becomes Speaker.

In conclusion, Rep. Jim Jordan’s fight for the House speakership has taken an interesting turn, with a tumultuous series of events leading up to his nomination. While he faces challenges in securing support from fellow Republicans, he remains determined to unite the conference and prioritize key issues. The upcoming floor vote on Tuesday will determine whether Jordan will succeed in his bid for the speakership.

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