President Putin Claims Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Has Failed, Prepares for New Offensive Operations

In a recent interview with the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin,” Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed that despite the complete failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) continue to prepare for new offensive operations in certain areas of the conflict. Journalist Pavel Zarubin published a fragment of the interview on his Telegram channel.

Zarubin noted that Ukrainian officials have recently started talking about a stalled counteroffensive and asked President Putin to assess these statements. “Regarding the alleged stalled counteroffensive, it has completely failed. However, we are aware that the opposing side is still preparing new active offensive operations in certain areas of the conflict,” stated the president.

This implies that the Russian leadership is informed about Kiev’s military plans. Moreover, Moscow will respond accordingly to the actions of Ukrainian forces, Putin added.

During the interview, President Putin also discussed the gradual improvement of the Russian Armed Forces’ positions along the entire contact line. He described the situation in the special operation zone as active defense with an enhancement of the Russian military’s position on certain sections of the front.

Previously, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, formally announced the conclusion of Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

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