FBI Director Warns of Spike in Domestic Threats Linked to Israel’s War Against Hamas

FBI Director Chris Wray issued a warning during a speech in California on Saturday, highlighting a surge in domestic threats connected to Israel’s ongoing conflict with Hamas militants. Speaking at the International Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference in San Diego, Wray expressed condolences to the people of Israel and condemned the brutality and disregard for innocent lives exhibited in the conflict. He emphasized the need to address both foreign terrorist organizations and domestic violent extremists, who may be motivated by racial animus or inspired by recent events.

Wray acknowledged the increased environment of heightened threats and urged law enforcement officials to remain vigilant, particularly in identifying lone actors who may be inspired to commit acts of violence. He encouraged the sharing of intelligence and observations as the first line of defense in protecting communities. The FBI director assured attendees that the agency is committed to working together with law enforcement to safeguard communities.

The warning comes in the wake of heightened security measures and increased police presence in major U.S. cities, including New York, due to concerns over demonstrations related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Additionally, a former Hamas leader called for Muslims worldwide to support Palestinians and designated October 13 as a “Day of Jihad.”

While the FBI does not currently have specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States, the bureau is closely monitoring the situation and will share relevant information with local, federal, and international partners. The FBI is also coordinating with counterparts in the region and actively working to locate and identify any impacted Americans. The Victim Services Division is collaborating with the Department of State to provide necessary assistance to affected families.

In conclusion, FBI Director Christopher Wray’s warning about the rise in domestic threats related to the Israel-Hamas conflict underscores the need for increased vigilance and cooperation among law enforcement agencies. As tensions continue to escalate, it is crucial for officials to stay alert and share vital information to protect communities.

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