Efforts Underway to Locate American Hostages in Gaza, US Officials Say

NSC communications coordinator John Kirby joined ‘FOX News Sunday’ to discuss the effort to rescue Americans held hostage by Hamas and Iran’s threat against Israel. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said Sunday the U.S. is “actively trying” to locate hostages taken in Gaza and “won’t rule anything in or out” regarding the American effort.

Kirby emphasized that rescuing American hostages remains a top priority for President Biden. He stated that the safety and security of Americans held hostage overseas is of utmost importance, and the administration will not stop until they can be reunited with their families.

The exact number of hostages is uncertain, with Kirby noting that there could be more individuals taken captive than currently known. He explained that efforts to locate the hostages are ongoing, but due to the fluid nature of the situation, the U.S. government is cautious about disclosing specific details publicly.

When questioned about the possibility of deploying U.S. special operations forces to physically assist in hostage retrieval, Kirby stated that there are currently no plans or intentions to put American troops on the ground in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. However, he emphasized that the U.S. will not rule out any options when it comes to bringing the hostages home safely.

Regarding the broader conflict between Israel and Hamas, Kirby expressed concern about the potential for escalation and the involvement of other actors, such as Iran or terrorist groups like Hezbollah. He highlighted the deployment of the USS Gerald R. Ford carrier strike group and the upcoming deployment of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier and her escort ships as deterrent measures to prevent further widening of the conflict.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who recently completed a rush through Arab nations, is set to return to Israel this week. His visits and meetings with Arab leaders were aimed at preventing the Israel-Hamas war from triggering a larger regional conflict. Blinken also met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Riyadh, where they reaffirmed their commitment to protecting civilians and advancing stability in the Middle East.

The U.S. government remains focused on halting terrorist attacks by Hamas, securing the release of all hostages, and preventing the conflict from spreading. The situation is being closely monitored, with Secretary Blinken and other officials actively engaged in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and facilitate a peaceful resolution.

Overall, the U.S. government’s efforts to locate and rescue American hostages in Gaza continue, with a strong emphasis on their safety and security. The situation remains fluid, and the U.S. is prepared to explore all options to bring the hostages home. The international community is closely watching the conflict between Israel and Hamas, aiming to prevent further escalation and protect civilians in the region.

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