Brazen Bear Breaks into Connecticut Home, Steals Frozen Chicken

A large black bear was caught on surveillance camera raiding a woman’s kitchen in Barkhamsted, Connecticut, and making off with a frozen chicken. The incident was captured on the homeowner’s Ring security camera on October 11. The footage shows the bear confidently exploring the first floor of the house before finding its way to the kitchen. With its paws, the bear skillfully opens the freezer door and rummages through the contents before settling on a frozen chicken as its snack of choice. In a matter of seconds, the bear grabs the poultry and escapes through a cracked open window, disappearing into the nearby woods.

The homeowner, Helena Houlis, was not present during the break-in but was alerted by her phone when the security system detected movement inside her home. Houlis later watched the surveillance video, which revealed the bear’s mischievous adventure. Fortunately, the bear did not cause any significant damage, although it left trails of dog food and fur throughout the house.

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environment Protection (DEEP) explains that black bears have a highly developed sense of smell, which often leads them to areas with potential food sources, including campsites and residential areas.

While the incident may seem amusing, it serves as a reminder of the importance of securing homes and properly disposing of food waste to avoid attracting wildlife. Bears, in particular, can be attracted to the scent of food and may venture closer to human settlements in search of a meal.

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