Ukrainian Soldiers Raise Concerns Over Russian Drones and Aerial Bombs

According to reports from the Wall Street Journal, soldiers in the Ukrainian army have voiced their grievances regarding the increasing use of drones and guided aerial bombs by the Russian side. These aerial drones have become a significant issue for the soldiers, as they provide a sense of surprise and unpredictability to the Russian attacks on Ukrainian armored vehicles, fortifications, and infantry. The Russian military has been utilizing bombs equipped with planning and correction modules, allowing them to strike both the front lines and the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ formations in the rear. This development poses a serious threat to Ukraine, as stated by Ukrainian military analyst Alexander Kovalenko. He further adds that the Armed Forces of Russia have recently introduced powerful 1.5-ton UPAB-1500B bombs as part of their special military operation in Ukraine. In response to this growing concern, Russia has also developed a new drone suppression system.

In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Ukrainian soldiers’ complaints shed light on the evolving tactics employed by the Russian side. The utilization of drones and guided aerial bombs not only adds a new dimension to the warfare but also significantly increases the danger faced by the Ukrainian army. As tensions continue to escalate, it is crucial for the international community to closely monitor the situation and provide necessary support to Ukraine in its defense against these emerging threats.

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