Israel Orders Evacuation of Gaza City, UN Warns of Humanitarian Crisis

Israel’s army has issued a directive for the evacuation of all civilians living in Gaza City and the northern region of the Gaza Strip due to concerns of an imminent ground offensive. The United Nations received a warning from Israel to evacuate 1.1 million people within 24 hours, citing the presence of Hamas fighters hiding in tunnels under Gaza City. The evacuation order comes in the midst of a week-long war and total blockade declared by Israel following a deadly attack by Hamas.

The Israeli military has emphasized that the evacuation is for the safety of the civilians and that they will be able to return only when another announcement permits it. Israel has vowed to make extensive efforts to avoid harming civilians during its operations in Gaza City. However, the Hamas Authority for Refugee Affairs has labeled the evacuation warning as “fake propaganda” and called on residents to remain steadfast in their homes.

The United Nations has expressed concern over the evacuation order, stating that it would have devastating humanitarian consequences. The UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees is relocating its operations and foreign staff to southern Gaza in response to the order. The international body has appealed for the order to be rescinded to prevent further tragedy.

The news of the evacuation order has sparked confusion and fear among the residents of Gaza City. Many are unsure of where to go and how to follow the order within the given time frame. The limited space in southern Gaza is unable to accommodate the massive number of displaced people, leading to increased anxiety among the population.

Progressive US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has condemned Israel’s push for evacuation, highlighting the impossibility of relocating over a million people in such a short time and the potential for devastating humanitarian consequences. Palestinian-American comedian and activist Amer Zahr has called the order “depraved,” accusing Israel of terrorizing Palestinians and creating a more crowded and vulnerable situation.

Human Rights Watch’s Israel and Palestine director, Omar Shakir, has called on the international community to act and prevent a calamity caused by the massive displacement. He emphasizes that history will judge those who remain silent on the matter.

The situation in Gaza City remains tense as the evacuation order takes effect. The international community continues to monitor the developments and assess the impact on the civilian population.

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